
Does anemone need clown?

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i bought my SW tank off of someone who previously had it established for 10 months. im still fairly new at this so i have another question...

the clown that has been in the tank, even with the previous owner, has always been hosting the anemone. (10 months) He (the clown) just died a few days ago so im wondering if this is going to affect the anemone? dont the clowns help feed the anemones and stuff? do i need to go get another clown asap? thanks everyone, you guys have always been a great help when i need it! best thorough answer = 10 points!!! ( =




  1. you dont have to have a clownfish. Its up to you if you want another one. just because you go buy a new clownfish, doesnt mean it will choose to host the anenome anyway. just keep that in mind.  your anenome can still get food- you will have to feed it

  2. The clown fish helps the anemone by cleaning any dirt or food that fell on it so if you want a clean anemone, buying a clown fish will help and the clown fish will also be able to hide himself and use it as shelter so it would be helpful for the anemone for a clown fish. It isn't needed though but if you want, it would be helpful. =]

  3. No you don't need another clown.  ALthough in the wild the anemone fish and an anemone or jelly fish have a symbiont relationship with each other.  However both can survive well without the other.  Clowns use anemone for protection.  By allowing themselves at a young age to be stung repeatedly they build up a tolerance to the anemone.  In return for their protection (and now having a new home) the fish keeps the anemone clean and parasite free.  I have clowns and anemone and really most of the clowns don't care to be with the anemone.  Mostly due to there are no predatory fish in the tank to threaten them.  All are healthy and happy.

    I will advise to target feed your anemone however.  Use a turkey baster and feed brine shrimp or even a thawed/fresh small shrimp.  Once every week.

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