
Does animal extinction have any affects? ?

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if u can give me a website also that has good info on animal extinction that would be great thankyou!!!




  1. You can't change just one thing in an ecosystem. Everything is interconnected. Remove one species and another one might increase its population or the whole ecosystem could collapse. Imagine the Great Barrier Reef without coral -- if you can.

  2. Animal extinction can have devastating effects on an ecological community. For example if a certain species of plant had evolved in coexistence with an insect that pollinated it and that insect went extinct due to a disease introduced by humans. Then that plant would die. If a species of bat relied heavily on the fruit produced by that plant, it may then also go extinct and the chain continues on... Hope that helps, I included a good web site for you as well.

  3. Well to  people  who don't care much for the environment it doesn't have effects on them. But, for people who actually care about the environment, extinction of  animals does upset them. I get upset when i  see other animals being killed, including insects and arachnids. I especially get upset when  a whole  species of animal  becomes extinct because of human causes. There would be quite more animals on this planet if humans didn't  hunt and kill them to extinction.

    But yea, all in  all extinction does have effects on other species. Let's say  all the plants that  a certain  species of animal  used to feed on, were to die out. If  that  certain  species of plant  were to die out, then the animals who  depended on those plants would die out. And if those herbivores died out, then the carnivores that specifically hunted those herbivores would die out too.

    I have a feeling that the upcoming mass extinction will be caused from humans, not natural causes. We  are the true monsters on this Earth, and not one of the scariest looking animals could take that title away from our  destructive species.


    List of extinct mammals from human causes.

    List of extinct birds from human causes.

    List of extinct fish from human causes.

    Sorry about not getting the extinct amphibian and reptile due to human causes lists . The site is gathering  the species up. Those two animal  classes that had human caused extinctions are being searched for.  I'll give you the name of the site, so  hopefully  they'll update it, and you could find out all the names of human caused extinct  reptiles and amphibians.

    The site URL is:

    A couple of other sites that may help:

    You should really check out the last one. It is the key to hundreds of other links after you read the  article.

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