
Does anthropology have anything to do with helping poor people overseas? Asking for my daughter.?

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Does anthropology have anything to do with helping poor people overseas? Asking for my daughter.?




  1. The word anthropology is from the Greek word 'anthropos' which means 'human being'; it is the study of human civilisations, customs and mores.  The researcher does not intervene in the lives of the people s/he is observing.  Perhaps your daughter is confusing it with humanitarian work?

  2. I agree with the previous answer, applied anthro.

    I also just want to add that hopefully one's research is beneficial to others, although sometimes it's not a direct goal of research.

  3. I believe that it does have an aspect of development studies in it.

    The study itself does not interfere with the group it studies, but the theories gained can be applied in the field of development.

    I'm a sociologist working in development support and anthropologists have been helpful in the past

  4. Many anthropologists are more aware of issues overseas  - since they become invovled in the cultures.  There is a whole subfield known as applied anthropology - where practitioners take an active role in examining important issues and seeking ways to deal with them.  By using their anthropological skills these individuals can often provide a wider persepective on issues and see the broader picture, rather than focusing on single cause explanations.  As a result, they often can be helpful in many situations.  I would suggest that she look into applied antrhopology more deeply if this is what she hopes to accomplish.

    Good Luck

  5. No.

  6. anthropolgy is the study of customs, biological characteristics, beliefs, etc. Not technically helping, but the studying or "ology" - branch of learning. I believe not, though i could be wrong.

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