
Does any 1 know eny martial websites where they show you neck locks nd knockout locks?

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so i can defend myself




  1. Dude, what are you planning?

    Try searching something on youtube.

  2. A great website for all kinds of locks and stuff is

    I think you will find this website very helpful.

  3. Get some capsicum spray. It rulz.

  4. It wont work when it's for real.

    Can you teach yourself martial arts from books and videos? Yes.

    Can you teach yourself correct and effective martial arts that will actually work for self defense? No way in h***. That should be commen sense. I mean can you learn to do open heart surgery succesfully by watching a video or reading a book?

    You may be able to imitate the moves, but without feedback and correction from a good qualified instructor, who will teach you right and ground you in good fundimentals and basics, all you will be doing is punching air and if you ever have to use it to defend yourself, you will be in deep s***.

    How can you think that you will be able to learn how to fight from watching DVD's and books, that cannot include many of the littlle things that are needed, and must be done correctly, in order to work? In order to learn a martial art correctly you need the following:

    1) A good instructor who has knowledge of the techniques, and can give you feedback on what you are doing wrong.

    2) Resisting opponents to train with that can help you learn to perform the moves correctly under pressure.

    3) A school that will train realisticly, making you perform under some type of stress, so that when it really is needed on teh street you will not freeze.

    So long story short, yes you can learn to imitate the moves on your own, and look cool, but do not in any way expect them to get you anything but hurt if you ever have to do them for self defense.

    Hey I have an idea, lets train our soldiers via video and books. That would save a ton of money on housing and feeding. We could send them like DVD's. One for each week of basic training, including a rifle, ammo, and uniform. Then once they complete that, we can send them DVD's on there MOS(Military Occupational Specialty) such as "How to fly an Apache Helicoptor made easy". D*** we been doing things the wrong way all this time.

    Now would you feel confident relying on soldiers who were trained this way? Then why would you want to rely on martial arts trained this way?

  5. I would go with what Katana said but have a look on you tube and look at the Human Weapon vids. But get yourself a teacher so you can defend yourself, you and only do so much with a book or movie.

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