
Does any Runner here have Herniated Disc before? Are you still continue RUnning?

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Share your experienced and tips for me .. thx




  1. I am a chiropractic student, so herniated discs I am very familiar with.  Try to alleviate the pain with back extensions over a body ball.  That will take the pressure off the disc.  Also, look into chiropractors in your area that offer decompression therapy, which is WONDERFUL for getting discs healthy again. It can be a little costly, unless you have insurance that covers the treatment.  However, if you live in an area that has a nearby chiropractic college, a lot of times they have the same decompression equipment at their clinics for MUCH cheaper.  Hope this helps!

  2. I have a bulging disc and must take great care when I run. Avoid running on concrete surfaces when possible. I try and run on grass, dirt trails, running tracks, treadmills, etc. It really makes a difference. The constant pounding on concrete can bring on serious pain and inflammation. Core exercises really help. Strengthen those surrounding muscles. When I feel even the SLIGHTEST pain I refrain from running and opt for the elliptical instead. I cannot stress to you enough how important it is that you pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Thinking you can run even though your back might be a little "tender" will quickly prove you wrong. Have you tried any physical therapy? I learned a series of exercises that have really helped me.

    Good luck to you and I hope your condition improves.

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