
Does any believe a study of 15 men is comprehensive enough to say Marijuana causes brain damage ?

by Guest10679  |  earlier

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I have been smoking for 30 years with no ill effects [except for my pocket] I have never seen these so called manic attacks that some claim to have experienced.I've seen people go green and look pretty sick but never have i seen a psycotic attack or to put it bluntly , i've never seen anyone go crazy,ga ga ,loopy,or whatever




  1. no.  to be formally recognised, i think a control group needs to be 100 people???

    but i do disagree with ill effects.  unfortunately i've seen some of my nearest and dearest become mentally affected after years of smoking pot daily.  obviously i knew them before they started - so i have a good idea as to what their personality was like before as opposed to after.

    i wouldn't say 'crazy' but moody and difficult to deal with to extreme agitation when they can't get their 'fix' for whatever reason and lashing out because of it.  i'm unhappy and have been quite distressed that my life is affected due to their addictions that they cannot seem to control.

  2. The study, as I understand it, did not say or imply that anybody went crazy.  

    It said that the amygdala and the hippocampus were smaller, that long-term heavy pot smokers scored lower on a verbal learning tests, and had a few more symptoms than non-pot-smokers had.  

    Is it your long-term heavy marijuana use that caused you to exaggerate?

    It's true that 15 is not a large number, and the implications are limited.

  3. Uh - you might not see the difference, but have you asked your family and friends?

    Sorry, but I've seen lots of users of cannabis and you can tell them apart from the rest of the population.

  4. So where does the 15 men come into play here?

    Great, you have not seen any of these effects...kudos to you. I HAVE seen it in both my husband's family, and a few of his friends. There have been very scary psychotic attacks, one believed he was being stalked by demons and threw himself in front of a moving car!

    I don't think it actually SENDS you put ga...but I think if you already have that defect manifesting in your brain, then mull can be the key that unlocks the symptoms. Also, you can not be assured unless you grow it yourself, that the dope is not tainted these days..even some forms of fertiliser that some of these green thumbs use has been known to cause psychosis and delusional behaviour.

    You do what works for you matey, but seriously, you need to give better factual percentages to make a believable argument.

  5. yes. But maybe my brain has shrunk in size as well.

  6. To put it bluntly. Haha. Nice. 15? That's a pretty crappy sample size. Pot does not cause people to go crazy. Quite the opposite really.

  7. I have a friend of mine, god she goes loopy and really nasty when she does have any, as soon as she has more she is ok again, and she goes loopy to her closest friends and is just completely nasty and absive to others, but i think she smokes alot of it, so i do believe it can cause brain damage.

    But i can't see anyone who smokes it getting scared by these findings,  xx

    All i can say is take care you don't know what they are putting in the stuff you are using anymore and it could really do some damage even kill you.

  8. loving 30 is right - i too have seen the effects it has on my brother.  i am no expert - i tried it once and didnt like it - much prefer to have a glass of wine or a beer - but my way of thinking is that cannabis enhances whatever your mood is: so if you are naturally a moody person this will get worse, but if you are happy and well balanced this will be ok, in other words it brings out the worst in you.  when i tried it i became very aggressive, but my husband who had the same amount as me became very insecure and paranoid.  my brother is also very twitchy, paranoid and has extreme moos swings as a result of his long term use of this drug.

  9. Especially when they were selected because of that attribute.  Reminds me of that 50s "documentary" propaganda film.  People who are effected mentally are affected because they were affected prior to smoking pot, ie, even without the pot, it would have become apparent eventually in about the same time span.  Many murderers appear normal until they snap; if a study of 15 hot dog eating murderers were done, it could be made to appear that hot dogs were the cause.  In many cases, they became pot smokers because of their undiagnosed problems made life as a teen more difficult to deal with so they did something illegal to make them feel cool and part of a crowd.

  10. of course not

    They hand pick and modify "results" of their "research" to make it say whatever the guy paying for it wants it to say.

    Normally they are groups trying to find reasons to justify pot's already bogus incrimination

    so once in a while they will show up and give us another trinket of bullshit that makes the typical stupid American say "uhh... thats like bad or something.... whats on American idol?"

  11. A study of 15 of anything is not "comprehensive" enough to come to a conclusion.  Especially when you are talking about a group of people who number in the millions.

    Chances are you can find plenty of conflicting studies which would contradict that one as well.  People always bend the results to say what they want them to say... regardless of the subject.

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