
Does any body believe me? I have new theories now?

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I belive global warming is real but not mans fault. that earth goes in a cycle of wam and hot weather, during the last days of the dinosaurs KT event created a dust cloud and blocked the sun right? and the weather before the KT event was warm more than now. so I belive as the dust cloud cleared and fell to earth the sun retrned,as the dust cloud fell it took massive amounts of gases with it,mainly co2 and nitrogen as this fell to the ground co2 levels lowered. then humans evolved during the ice age and eventualy we found that carbon burned eaisly releasing co2 into the atomosphere. and eldgely global warming is caused by the gas. but in the martian atomosphere wich is 95% co2 the hottest recorded temp. is -17 degrees celsius. isn't co2 supposed too make things hotter? also another claim to support my therom they found dinosaur fossils at the south pole! wich means it was once warm enough to support a large marine reptile.wich also means the ice wasn't there either, sound like a cycle yet?also yet another bit of evidence is the fact that where the mississippi was was once an inland sea making the eastcoast a peinsula and there have been many periods of time where certain areas of land were once ocean and seas were once holes the meddaterainan for example when they egyptains were first thinking of pyrimid design the meddetarian was a gapping hole in the earth but when EU seperated from africa water filled the gorge makeing a new don't you see this has happened before the earth is always changing...




  1. You're on the right track, since most of the new science is leaning towards the fact that humans don't cause climate change.  No longer do honest scientist subscribe to the AGW scam.

    Especially with all the artifacts they are uncovering under ice.  Civilizations that existed before ice covered them.  So it was much warmer many years ago.

    History shows the planet is more prosperous during the warming periods anyway, so even if we could control the climate, global warming would be beneficial.

    Bottom line, no one knows the correct temperature of the planet.  It's all speculation, and now that most of the scientists are admitting that AGW is unproven, maybe it's time to deep six this ridiculous hoax.

  2. i believe that the earth is changing ,ur theorems are good and believable ,but do u mean that  we will die out like dinasours one day? this will happen only in doomsday

  3. I agree with most of it...note in your KT analysis:  The dust settling wouldn't trap much gas, but it would let in a lot more sunlight (the same Sun this cloud blocked).  Plant life, with many entire species of herbivores gone, would explode in an environment rich in CO2, raw minerals from the decaying matter, and sunlight....the plants quickly brought CO2 levels down (if they were that much higher to begin with...I haven't checked).

  4. Some holes in your theory The dinosaurs died about 65million years ago long before the current glacial cycles started. The entire Earth was much warmer, although there were no ice sheets at the poles there was still the long night and day effects of summer and winter and the fossils found were land based not marine there are also fossil of trees (the antarctic birch) Australia was still connected to Antarctica at this stage and this tree can still be found in Tasmania.

    The KT event you refer to is pretty much accepted to have been an asteroid impact and C02 didn't fall from the sky plant life stopped producing it and the levels dropped.

    Between the end of the dinosaurs and the arrival of humans there were several different periods with other mammals at the top of the food chain (now extinct) like the mega mammals of ~20 million years ago.

    Humans evolved about 250,000 years ago and as such have lived through several glacial periods so far.

    The Martian atmosphere is 95% c02, but, it is only 1% the pressure of Earths atmosphere which means by actual volume of c02 it has about the same amount of c02 as Earth there is no water vapor the other and larger contributor to earths greenhouse effect and Mars is also 80km further from the Sun.

    Another small problem with the Mediterranean theory and the Egyptians they were around ~4000 years ago, the Mediterranean dried out about 6 million years ago and re flooded about 5.5 million years ago.

  5. No.  We know about the planet's natural cycles, and we're not due for a rapid warming period right now.

    As for Mars, the main reasons that it's colder than Earth are that it's further from the Sun and doesn't have water vapor acting as a feedback.

    Also, we know the planet was warmer when dinosaurs were around millions of years ago.  That's partially because there was more CO2 in the atmosphere at that time.

  6. very well said , yes i agree

  7. The world is changing and is indeed undeniable as well as unavoidable. Global Warming is sped up by mankind's creations (cars, energy plants, and so forth). Volcanoes eruptions worldwide the rock which plummited into earth shattering all life is responsible for killing the Dinosaurs. It created a massive amount of co2 and harmful dust that smogged the lands. Its all written down in history. Man is definitely the cause of the speed global warming but not the creator. The world will shift regardless of man creating pollution of not, its just a matter of time.

    ex. (china's snow storm - very rare event showing change).

  8. sounds good, but dont you think that men have added to this a TEENSY bit, what with our pollution?

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