
Does any body have a daily routine plan for a toddler ?

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Does any body have a daily routine plan for a toddler ?




  1. we do we wake up in the morning. my 3 year old helps me make break fast. (stir the eggs, pour cereal, set the table) then we wash up get dressed brush are teeth. my kids play together for a while. I work with them on there number and letters. we eat lunch take naps play more. go out side spend time together watching a movie. make dinner play outside more after dinner get bathed brush teeth read book and bed. its about the same everyday lol.

  2. I don't have a routine for my 17 month old except for meal times and trying to get him to take a nap and bedtime around the same time each day.

    I should probably get a more rigid routine so he can learn to occupy himself with some activities over time (as he grows and learns to play more by himself).

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