
Does any body know a site were you can paste words an it will say it in a voice?

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does any body know a site were you can paste words an it will say it in a voice






  3. Windows XP comes with one built in. 'Narrator' I believe it's called. You can find it under Accessories > Accessibility on the Start menu.

  4. if you have a pc, you can go to Start, Control Panel, Sounds Speech & Audio Devices, then Speech, and click the Text to Speech tab and then you can type a sentence and your computer will say it for you. You can even choose from 3 voices.

  5. If you have Microsoft Excel (XP version) on your system, it will "speak" the text.

    On the Tools menu, point to Speech, and then click Show Text To Speech Toolbar.

    Select a group of cells to read back.

    Choose how the computer will read back your data by clicking By Rows  or By Columns  on the Text To Speech toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you can use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click the toolbar you want. If the button you want doesn't appear, click More Buttons.).

    Click Speak Cells  if you want the computer to read back each cell in your selection.

    To correct an error, click Stop Speaking , and use your mouse and keyboard to make the necessary changes.

    Click Speak Cells  to continue having the computer read back your selection.  

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