
Does any body know about racis?

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Does any body know about racis?




  1. "Race" usually refers to the concept of dividing humans into populations based on various physical characteristics, such as skin color.  However, since the mid-1930s, most physical and cultural anthropologists have seen race as a "social construct", culturally imposed and varying over time.  

    Law enforcement in both the United States and the United Kingdom nevertheless uses race to summarize general appearance.  For example, the FBI classifies suspects as White, Black, White (Hispanic), and Asian.  In France, however, the state legally bans data based on race or racial characteristics.

    As I recall, Dr. Seuss summarized the concept of racism in "The Sneetches" (1961).

  2. Racism is judging a person on his race; he is Black so he must be dishonest but a good dancer; he is White so he must be smart; he is Asian, so he must be even smarter than that White guy, although he works too hard. As most people with IQ's higher than room temperature know, intelligence, honesty, valor, industry, thrift and the ability to dance don't depend on one's skin color.

    A Racist is someone who practices Racism.

    If you mean "Races", they are a set of broad physical characteristics useful in describing people, as in "The lost hiker is a white male, 5'8", 180 pounds, last seen wearing a red shirt and blue jeans."

    You can divide humans into 3 or 4 or 6 or 12 races if you set your mind to it; the three are Caucasian, Asian and African. Australian Aborigines, "red" Indians and Malay/Pacific Islanders don't fit any of those three very well, so six is a better number.

  3. Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another. ...

    Hope this helps.

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