
Does any body know how much the gas price may rise due to hurricane Gustav?

by  |  earlier

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Any body find any documentation not just a guess?




  1. Too much and I dont understand why it rises in the first place because we get most of our oil from the Middle East.

  2. Not sure yet. But most likly back up to 4 dollars something.

  3. As a commodity speculator I'd like to know too. I'd  guess that supply has gone down because of all of those SUVs driving out of Illinois.

  4. Those states that get their gas from those gas lines from the refineries in that area.

  5. I read that it could bump it back up to + $4 a gallon.

  6. im sure it will rise a bit

    but im not sure how much until it actually happens...

    load up now so u can last a little bit

  7. Depending on the number of rigs the ballpark we can expect to see is around 10-15 cents a gallon (depending on your geological location). This may rise or fall depending on the surveys of damage once the rigs are safe and can be assessed.

  8. The gulf oilfields will not be shutting down for this storm, so oil will still be coming into the terminals.  So there will be no shortages,  Most gas stations have stocked up.  So no reason to hike up prices.  The only problem there will be is in areas that lose power.  The gas stations will not be able to pump gas.


    hope that helps!!

  10. No, I don't have a documention but I do believe gas prices will get near $5 a gallon

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