
Does any body know if tax should be deducted from your wages if you are a student?

by  |  earlier

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i have earned £427 without tax but when i received my wages they deducted money for tax reason but i am a full time student so im not sure if they should have. if they are not suppose to dedecuted tax off my pay does anybody know how i claim that money back?




  1. Your earnings while being a full time student are taxable. If you submit claims which the government considers legitimate, you'll most likely have a refund, as usual. It takes most people a while to realize it, but nobody is exempt from taxation.  

  2. Contact HMRC and get a code number sent to your employer.

    Earnings over £6035 (per annum) are taxable.

  3. IF you are in over 18 you should be paying tax(unless your doing 6th form i think ). IF you earn less than the minimum of about  5600 in the whole tax year youll get your taxes refunded.

  4. Make sure you have a proper wage slip showing this deduction.

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