
Does any body know of a more cost effective way of ridding my garden of bees, wasps etc?

by  |  earlier

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I hate all the buzzing and the near misses so I have fabricated a bee/wasp eradicator from a vacuum cleaner, some spinning blades and a gas burner, I works a treat but keeps getting blocked and costs a fortune to run, any suggestions




  1. Ha! Lizard C try putting some jam jars out and about in your garden.  When you come to the end of your jam/marmalade jars don't rinse them out just put a little bit of water in them and pierce the lid, enough for a bee or wasp to gain access and hey ho they get in there and can't get out!!!

  2. Look in your local phone books for bee keepers.

    Call them, and they will come and remove the hive alive for free.  After all, it's part of their business.

  3. You have too much time on your hands.

    Bees, wasps won't bother you if you don't bother them.

  4. buy one of those zapper things they have in chippies and food shops

  5. Yeah, speak to a knowledgeable gardener.

  6. The fact is your garden will NOT do well if you get rid of the bees, wasps, etc.  These insects are called beneficials because they help in the garden.  Also, note that bees are nearly an endangered species at this point in time due to a virus which is killing them all off.  If you don't like all the buzzing maybe you should get rid of the garden.

  7. patent this rather marvelous  invention of yours and build youself a fortress off the proceeds

  8. Kill the bees and your plants will not be pollinated, You won't need a garden.

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