
Does any body know the history about canterbury west train station in kent uk?

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please tell me all you know as im curently working there and like to know the histoty about the place




  1. Sorry, in the UK it is referred to as RAILWAY STATION.

  2. First of all, I agree 100% with steamy. Train station is an awful americanism which is creeping into British usage. We have always referred to such places as 'railway stations'. That having been said, I can tell you that Canterbury West was built by the South Eastern Railway. It was reached first from Ashford  on February 6, 1846 and linked to Ramsgate on April 13 of that year. There was once four lines through the station, but the middle pair have long since gone. At one time there was a linking line from the Canterbury East Faversham-Dover line, but, again, that has long since gone. The station also provided services on the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway which dated from 1830, but which closed as long ago as 1952. Another closed line served by the station was the Elham valley line to Folkestone. That closed to passengers even earlier - in 1940, probably because it was used during the war for rail-mounted guns. More information about this line, including a 1936 timetable can be seen at :-

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