
Does any body knows where is the center of the universe.

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Has it been found out sofar abou the center of the universe. Can any body inform me about any good sites where i can have an imaginary travel of the universe. which site gives much knowledge of the universe.




  1. The centre of universe is at the point from where it started expanding. The law of conservation of momentum has to be applied there too, so you can imagine a rocket cracker that explodes into pieces in the sky. The centre remains the same point where it exploded.

  2. The Universe is expanding in every direction, so every point in the Universe could be considered as the center. Philosophy is no basis for explaining astronomy, as Galileo well knew.    

  3. The center of the universe is literally everywhere. Since, at the beginning of the universe, everything was all in one single point, every place in the universe was there.

    And Chopra is an idiot.  

  4. dont ask stupid

  5. You found it. I am the center of the Universe.

  6. no one

  7. There is no center. The Universe is expanding.

    This will help you visualize it:

  8. The universe is not expanding. The objects in it are moving away from each other at ever increasing speeds. The universe is infinite. You don't run into a brick wall and say "Well, that's the end of this side". The universe, being infinite , does not have a center.

  9. Universe has no end ,it is constantly expanding.

  10. There is no center. The universe is infinite.

  11. There is no center as the universe is expanding continually.  

  12. Good question but a hard one to answer because the universe is constantly expanding.  Did you know that scientists have recently discovered that there is a billion light year section of space, roughly oval shaped, that is completely uninhabited by any galaxy or star?  And they have no idea what would have caused such a phenomenon because in almost any direction we look in space, most galaxies are spread out uniformely.  That is very strange!

  13. Just as center of circle does not lie on the circle, center of universe does not in the universe. If a point called 'center' has to be, there are points like 'ends' needed. Universe has no ends.  

  14. The most common "3D" image of the Universe (that is, easy to comprehend in opposition to a 12 or 36 dimensions...), is to imagine a balloon.  A big balloon that you blew to a respectable size.

    The Universe is the SKIN of the balloon (NOT the inside), JUST the skin.

    The hard thing to understand (or accept) is that there is "nothing" outside nor inside the ballon: that is NOT the universe...

    Easy, now to realise that there is no "center"!  The SURFACE of a sphere has no "center", even is the sphere has one!

    But this 3D representation of the universe helps to understand its expansion:  On your balloon half-inflated, mark some spots: these are the galaxies.  Continue inflating: the distance between each spot INCREASES.  The spots that are close to each other separate "slower" than the spots with a longer starting distance!  (This explains why we see far away galaxies recessing from us faster than close galaxies.)

    The comparison with the balloon stops there, unfortunately... but it is close enough

  15. Since the universe is expanding,every point on this universe can be considered as a center..As in,from any point if you try reaching the end of the universe you will not find one..You will land up in the same place after sometime.There is no center for this universe.Rather,the center keeps changing because the universe is expanding continuously.

  16. universe is expanding every no centre .

  17. It's right smack dab in the middle!

  18. You will soon find out that the Earth is and you have been tricked by very evil people for a long time...

  19. I watched a TV show once and the commentator, who might have been a "scientist" was explaining the BB, he waved his arm up to indicate a direction and said it happened over there, roughly speaking of course.  I was not sure to believe him or not so I journeyed there in my mind.  It was nothing more than a giant Starbucks coffee shop.

    The big bang is questionable.  Or to express in in mathematical terms BB=BS.  

    If you are really interested, read Lee Smolin's "The Trouble Wtih Physics"...the last thirty years have produced nothing, young smart people are not going into physics, dogma rules, little hope for change, all BS now, we took a wrong turn somewhere and NOBODY has the guts to say so let alone to do anything about it.  Professorships, tenure and status quo rule.  

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