
Does any body no anything about bearded dragons ?

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well i saw them at the store and i really like them i dont have very much experencie with lizards i had one when i was really little it was an eguana that was mean

so like i want to no like what the eat how much it might cost to get one there attitude can you like play with them and anything else you think i need to no




  1. well  bearded dragons are great beginners pets and are generally pretty docile animals and rarely ever bite. they are pretty easy animals to care for if you set the enclosure up correctly before buying the animal. heres a good caresheet that may help you with understanding its care

  2. this link should tell you eveything:

    and they usually cost anywhere from $40-$100.

  3. crickets.... romaine greens...  

    best lizard... I LOVE mine... shes about 4 months old....

    the are fairly calm... just handle it a lot, but not at first.. let it get to know and trust you.  

  4. there usually over 100$ bucks but if you look in the newspaper there usually for cheap some people givethem away then you need a tank witch is in the hundreds . so you would want like 300 to 400$ dollars but look around you may find deals or call a pet store . and they eat crikets then you should buy powder for the criket you just shake the powder and the crikets in the bag the powder is vitamin powder . but yes they are cool i plan on getting one soon  

  5. MANY KUDDOS for asking before buying, and knowing what you're getting into before hand.  To answer your basic question - beardies make great first time owner pets.

    They are not hard to care for, if you are aware of their needs before you get them, and set up their habitat properly.

    As for attitude; juveniles reaching adulthood can get moody.  But, it will pass, and they will settle back down.  Just know when to expect this, and what to do.  Research is the key.

    Puffing their beards (especially males) is a normal thing, and so is lunging with their mouth open.  Eventually, your male will turn his beard black, too.  It's all bluff!  It can surprise you the first time, if you don't know it's coming.  Just giggle at the aging fellow, and say fondly, "Oh, so yer a big man now, eh?"  But be careful, too.  Some DO get moody, and might bite!  Know your animal.

    Don't let him intimidate you, but respect him.  If he's being moody, leave him alone for a few hours, or wait till the next day and resume as usual, giving him space for his moodiness.  The behavior should pass in a week or two.

    Beardies need room.  They will get BIG with proper care and nutrition.  This is no little gecko.  Be thinking a minimum 55 gal. reptile tank for a single adult.  A 55 gal. aquarium doesn't provide enough floor space.  The grown animal will have difficulty turning around in it, without cramping, or breaking a tail.

    Do your homework, and study up on UVB (sources are only good within so many inches, and only for 6-8 mo.) and MBD.

    Diet is vital, too.  Make sure you're using a good source of reptile vitamins in his insect/vegie/and some fruit diet, and that the asorbable calcium has D3.  Keep the calcium/vitamins refrigerated to extend the life of the vitamins.

    I'll post some links below to get you started on your information quest, but please note my disclaimer.

    An informed owner is one who is happy, and has a healthy and content pet.

    Good luck, and most of all - enjoy your new beardie!

    I hope this has been of help.

  6. Wow, big question. 0.0 Okay....

    1)Food: LOTS! veggies, crickets, mealworms, waxworms, phoenix worms, silk worms, dragon food...

    2) The cost is going to be in housing & food mostly. Other than that they're pretty inexpensive in care so far as reptiles go.

    3) They like to hang out with people, they're fairly nosey...calm....generally pretty laid back. They're a very good starter reptile.

    If you have any particular questions though or would like some good resource info., just shoot me an email, I've got tons of stuff. ^_^

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