
Does any have children with autism> and like to chat?

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i have son 5 teachers say he is autsit so he has a specila dr who does this checking but not till aug but every one say hes not just has lot of breaks down.. hes on adderall tx




  1. I have an Autistic brother if this helps. Believe it or not- teachers are Not allowed to diagnose any child!!  They may ask for you to have him checked by a specialist at the hospital.  My brother was not on any drugs.  We coped with his every day living.  He was first labelled as retarded and as years went by, about 10 yrs that he was then labelled as Autistic.  How is he at home with you?  Does he hit his head with his hand?  Good luck!!

  2. If your son has not had a formal evaluation by a professional, I would highly suggest you set one up.  For various reasons, I wouldn't go through the school system.  Instead, try to get a referral from your pediatrician to go to your closest children's hospital or another private practice.

    As his mother, how do you think the medication is working?  Are you seeing improvements?  Many children with autism also have hyperactivity, and benefit greatly from medication.  For others, medicine can have an adverse effect.   This website may help you:

    In conjunction with medication, you may want to try occupational therapy.  His breakdowns are most likely due to sensory overload, and OT can help relieve his symptoms.

    Now that I've gone off on a tangent (sorry, but I'm very passionate about this topic!), I don't have a child with autism.  I have, however, worked with children on the spectrum for over 10 years.   Ask your son's therapists about support groups in your area.  This site also has a list of online groups that you may find helpful:

    Good luck, and I hope your son gets the help he needs.

  3. Almost every school district has a special department that will evaluate children for such problems. They have specialized speech pathologists, psychologists, and audiologists that will evaluate your son and determine the actual problem. If they do not offer such a program in your area call your child ped. immediatly to set up a proper evaluation. There is not one teacher out there qulaified enough to diagnos a child as ASD or not. (ASD= autism spectrum disorder). And adderall has nothing to do with autism, and most kids who are autisitc do not have any other behavioral problem i.e. ADD/ADHAD that would require such medication. In my opinion your child has been seriously and grossly misdiagnosed by highly unqualified people.

  4. my son is 4 and has autism, im on yahoo email @

    my son was diagnosed at 2 with asd

  5. You should call your local human service agency to get him evaluated.

    Easter Seals is a good place to call if you have on in your area.  If not just look in the phone book.

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