
Does any know bout or believe in the 2012 theory ....nd does any1 care?

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Does any know bout or believe in the 2012 theory ....nd does any1 care?




  1. I'll give the best answer to alicia. she's good.

  2. i dont beilve a metorite will kill us , nor some unknown god for judgment day , i beileve We the people will kill ourselfs. from greed , Over population and not giving a **** about our planet , thinkin it will heal itself over time , in 2012 life will begin to suck , Already we are seeing that we are taking more of earths natural resources then it can sustain , meaning we are devouring more then can be put on our plate, So to counter this we use Substitutes , Chemicals mimick real food causing cancer and diesease , we are populating more land area then earth has to offer and already we are starting to see the dangers , animals are becomming exstinct at an alarming rate tens of thousands a year, causing a gigantic dent in biodiversity , soon as is already begining bees will die , Meaning plants will take longer to grow since no poloninating will happen , if plants die , then we cant filter carbon dioxide , nor can we eat meat or Vegies meaning we will rely on Wheat , Earth is beeing polluted , Waters are toxic , Soon nothing will be pure, Oil will be gone , ANimals will be gone and life and earth and everything within it will be dead , And if this seems alarming we are already past the point of no return , Even if we sotpped all our activities and stuck to eating veggies , we have already dealt the damage and so are awaiting the final blow, so in reality humans have killed the only beautiful purest thing ever known , and look back with no remourse, or care at all, so as for us living to see 2012 i think thats logical , as for us seeing 2050  not a chance

  3. I dont believe in it.

  4. it is not a doom day as some people call, it just the end of the Maya year's circle. and it will just start the new circle.

  5. just another scare, probably a big nothing

  6. I agree with alicia, the mayan calendar just merely ends, and starts over

  7. which theory there are many

    Mayas ,Nibiru ,changing poles ,Armageddon,

    the apocalypse

    the end of the world was a mis translation ,the ancient text said the end of an Age

    the Age of piscis ,then to become the Age of Aquarius

    And the planets will all be lined up .and if Nibiru decides to show up this planet will be turned into a giant washing machine

  8. Here is a email i got when i was stressing about that. Wow it freaked me out. I emailed a very knowledgable man heres the email he wrote me:

    Thanks for your email.

    First of all, please put your mind at rest: the Mayan calendar does not

    predict that the world will end in 2012. That is a misrepresentation of

    it, by people who ought to know better, that has been picked up and

    spread around more by people who don't care if it's true or not, as long

    as it gives them a disaster to predict.

    This 2012 stuff is taken from some ancient Mayan writings that have been

    grouped together in a collection known as the Dresden Codex. The Mayans

    had a fairly complex calendar, based on a number of astronomical cycles;

    the current group of cycles just happens to finish on the solstice of

    2012. Then the next calendar cycle begins. Nothing more, nothing less.

    It is no more meaningful than, say, our leap-year cycle of centesimal

    years that are multiples of 400 (1600 and 2000 were leap years, 1700,

    1800 and 1900 weren't). When one 400 year cycle ends, we don't all

    assume that the world is about to end!

    You mention several predictions of things that have already happened.

    Well, it is very easy to make a "prediction" after the event. What is

    noteworthy is that nobody published a prediction of (say) 9/11 *before*

    the event. A lot of predictions of the future use what is called the

    "scattergun approach": they make hundreds of predictions, most fail and

    are forgotten, inevitably one or two seem to succeed and are remembered,

    but any of us can make hundreds of predictions and have one or two come

    to pass (try it!).

    There have been so many predictions that the world will end! Comet

    Kohoutek and Comet Hale-Bopp both inspired nutters that predicted

    armageddon. It didn't happen, and they are largely forgotten. Then there

    was the so-called planetary alignment of 5th May, 2001 -- that was also

    meant to bring global catastrophe. Didn't happen. I've lived through a

    few dozen of these "the end is nigh" nonsenses -- none has come to pass.

    These predictions of "the end" have been going on for over 1000 years:

    in the Middle Ages it was mostly religious fanatics. Nowadays it's

    anybody with a bit of distorted information and a web page.

    And please just remember that all TV, including the History Channel, is

    primarily about entertainment and ratings. Important-sounding

    predictions of disaster are always a great way to boost ratings.

    I hope that's gone some way towards putting your mind to rest. Do feel

    free to ask again if I can be of help.



    Stephen Tonkin

  9. Yes I do believe that in 2012 the solar planets will be aligned in by december 21, 2012 and many catastrophic consequences might occur by that time. and don't worry about that we have still 4 years before the deadline so enjoy your life.

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