
Does any ladies out there think this is nice or to cheesy?

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I want to propose to my girlfriend, but dont know how, cause I want it to be special.We're going on holiday in two weeks and I was thinking of doing it while sharing one of those para gliding rides you get on the beach. Does anyone think she would like that, or do you have any other suggestions? Cheers.




  1. you should stay out on the beach watching the sunset or something and then pop the question!

  2. go on the beach, and you know those air planes that pull the advertisement banners? well get it to say, "...will you marry me?" then when she reads it give her the ring.

  3. Pray to god she does not drop the ring in the ocean.  You will never get it back.  I would be really worried if I were you.

  4. I think that sounds pretty cool but the adrenaline factor of paragliding may make it inappropriate. See how things go but also consider dropping to one knee and proposing directly after you're on terra firma and unbuckled or she may feel trapped and give an answer that she's not ready to make. Sometimes that kind of stress will get you false results (either way) by putting her on the spot. She needs to be safe (physically) to make that kind of decision. Good Luck to you both.

  5. I wouldn't do it then.  What if you drop the ring?  It's gone forever.  Wait until you're on the ground, like on the beach, so she can put it on and enjoy it.  Good luck!

  6. Depends on what type of person she is.. Make sure she is okay with going para gliding... and if she is excited, then of course ask her to marry you!!! It's the last thing she will expect.

  7. I think that that is a very romantic way to propose to your girlfriend. And i'm sure that no matter what you decide she will love it because she cares about you.

    **Congrats and good luck with the proposal.  

  8. I think you should do it that way, because it was YOUR idea.  You must have thought she would like it or you wouldn't consider it.

  9. If she is the out door adventiorus type that will be great. If not re-think the whole idea.

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