
Does any one believe me about this?

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I belive global warming is real but not mans fault. that earth goes in a cycle of wam and hot weather, during the last days of the dinosaurs KT event created a dust cloud and blocked the sun right? and the weather before the KT event was warm more than now. so I belive as the dust cloud cleared and fell to earth the ssun retrned but not to its full exstint to reach an equal libreum the earth is going through rapid heating and humans aren't making it worse or better. Even though I dissagre with Mr.Gore's belifes he does have a good message treat our planet with respect.just because we dont have anything to do with it doesn't mean we can't respect our world not only for the better of humans bt for all life.




  1. go see the places that man has destroyed compare it to now and how it was before .

    notice the difference in climate

    you cannot absolve Man from the changes he`s made to Nature;...

    Or absolve him from  behaving more  responsible with our Bio Resources

    ,How ever much you try.;...

  2. i agree with you for the most part.

    the galaxy is going ot do its thing no matter what we do to stop/speed it up. however i do think that we are wastign many things that mother nature and our beloved earth may not have expected us to touch. like animals. we cannot save them all and animale evolve, hench dinosaurs, birds, lizrds, lions to house cats. i maen its only a matter of time before everything we know cahnges in a 180 spin, normal nature.

    not quite sure about the dust cloud theory but we do need to respect our surroundings and mother earth as much as possible.

  3. The temperatures have been about 0.5 degrees above average for the last 30 years.  Before this they ware 0.5 degrees below average for 130 years.

    The climate has been steady for the last 160 years, only varying +/- 0.5 degrees around average.

    This is better controls than what my refrigerator can do and that's computer controlled.

    I wonder why there this level of alarmism!

  4. that sounds plausible.

  5. "virtually all of the scientists not paid by the energy industry agree that global warming is caused by CO2, and is the worst threat to our society since the Cuban missile crisis."

    WASHINGTON -- Hundreds of Environmental Protection Agency scientists say they have been pressured by superiors to skew their findings, according to a survey released Wednesday by an advocacy group.

    EPA spokesman Jonathan Shradar attributed some of the discontent to the passion scientists have toward their work. But Francesca Grifo, director of the Union of Concerned Scientists' Scientific Integrity Program, said the results revealed an agency "under siege from political pressures," especially among scientists involved in risk assessment and crafting regulations.

    "The investigation shows researchers are generally continuing to do their work, but their scientific findings are tossed aside when it comes time to write regulations," said Grifo.

    Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., in a letter sent Wednesday to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, called the results disturbing and said they "suggest a pattern of ignoring and manipulating science." He said he planned to pursue the issue at an upcoming hearing by his Oversight and Government Reform Committee at which Johnson is to testify.

    The group sent an online questionnaire to 5,500 EPA scientists and received 1,586 responses, a majority from scientists who have worked for the agency 10 years or more. The report said 60% of them personally experienced what they viewed as political interference over the last five years.

    Asked about the survey, Shradar said, "We have the best scientists in the world at EPA."

    In the survey, nearly 400 scientists said they had witnessed EPA officials misrepresenting scientific findings, 284 said they had seen the "selective or incomplete use of data to justify a specific regulatory outcome" and 224 said they had been directed to "inappropriately exclude or alter technical information" in an EPA document.

  6. I think it is a more realistic idea than the thoughts that humans are to blame for these problems

  7. and i don't.

    virtually all of the scientists not paid by the energy industry agree that global warming is caused by CO2, and is the worst threat to our society since the Cuban missile crisis.

    the science is real clear.  all the arguments that the deniers and doubters use have been clearly refuted.

    what's absolutely astounding is the number of people that think they're smarter than all of the PhD scientists that have been studying climate -- full time -- for several years.

    <<during the last days of the dinosaurs KT event created a dust cloud>>

    you're kidding right?  the Mount Pinatubo cloud lasted about 2 years.  it's been 65 million years.  it's been both warmer and colder than today.

    something like 7% of all the humans who have ever lived on this earth are alive today.  wanting to eat.  have some clothes.  have a house to live in.  the strains on the earth's environment are enormous.  any change at all in the climate will not be good.

    one presumes you're heard of Darfur.  that's what climate change does.  those people were forced to move because of drought, caused by climate change.  how many of them do you have to see before you'll recognize the truth?

  8. no i don't believe you

    i also don't believe Neil Armstrong went to the moon

  9. Yes, I believe this is true. Many respected and established theorists have asserted that "global warming" is not man made, it is the result of natural and cyclical happenings. I think humans consider themselves far more important than they actually are. Did dinosaurs become extinct because of something the dinosaurs did or didn't do? Did the ice age happen because of something any living thing did?

  10. i belives u

  11. I believe that you believe what you are saying.

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