
Does any one believe the gov. is responsible for 9/11?

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Does any one believe the gov. is responsible for 9/11?




  1. yes. and more.

  2. The 'Black Pope' is responsible, and our government leaders, those who are Masons, are culpable. Look up the Black Pope on Google. That's who calls the shots. He wants a war between the USA and the Islamic world, because he wants the USA to crush the Islamists, to eliminate them from opposing  his agenda. So 911 was masterminded to foment  a war between the USA and Islam. The black Pope is hoping we crush Islam, with the help of Isreal of course, and then he want us to pretty much just 'die on the vine' from our own concern with strictly material things. That's why we get so much filthy propaganda from hollywood. It's all a part of 'The Black Pope's' master plan for world domination. And it's coming together nicely.

  3. The Terrorist are responsible.

  4. I don't know we do need a impartial investigation.

    Irrefutable facts both WTC One and Two came down in somewhere around 10 seconds not the one minute thirty seconds that it would have taken with the pancake theory.

    If you dropped a billiard ball from the top of the WTC building it would take about 10 seconds to hit the ground.

    No one that I'm aware of has taken just the facts and come up with a plausible explanation. Both the 911 commission and the NSA reports can't and they both admit it.

  5. Last I checked UBL didn't represent any government.  So the answer is NO!

  6. Well, from a strictly patriotic standpoint, I would have to say no. I don't think our government would attack it's own people. I don't jump on board with the Michael Moore conspiracy theory crowd.

    But let's examine this from a different standpoint. Let's suppose for a second that the government DID for some reason orchestrate 9/11.  Keep in mind that this is the SAME government that lost six nuclear warheads last August that ended up attached to the wings of B-52 bombers flying over American cities... yeah. THAT Government.

    There isn't a lot of intelligence at the top of our Intelligence department here, gang...  I doubt very seriously that Uncle Sam could orchestrate something as large as 9/11 and then manage to keep it covered up.

    I mean seriously... --- These are the same geniuses that can't even send Economic Stimulus Checks to the correct accounts...  If the Feds were in charge of 9/11, the planes would have ended up in Greenland.

  7. hippy liberals who think the government is out to get them are the only ppl who think the government is behind it and no i dont think the gov. is responsible for it because theres no evidence that supports it being an inside job

  8. The US has been like the rich kid on the playground, strutting about being totally obnoxious to the other kids. Some one, (out of a lot of peeved kids) is going to hit him upside the head.

  9. Yes! Whether they planed it, or knew about it and did nothing, they have responsibility. There is no doubt however, that they knew about it, they were carrying out procedures for at least a fortnight! Coinsidence? Listen to one of the famous quotes of 9-11. 'Is this a drill?'

  10. Yes, some government officials were.

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