
Does any one else like hot bisquits with stewed tomatoes over them for breakfast?

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Does any one else like hot bisquits with stewed tomatoes over them for breakfast?




  1. Oh my ! !  That sounds good !.. Have you ever tried the stewed tomatoes (tomato gravy) on corn bread.  Now that's some SOUTH ! ! !

  2. Sorry, no.  Hot biscuits with sausage and jam, now thats a different story!

  3. Never heard of that... I like mine with sausage gravy or butter & jam...or topped with creamed dried beef.  Also would be good with a side of grilled tomatoes!  I'll try your stewed.

  4. I haven't tried it but it sounds good!

  5. My Grandma used to make the most delicious tomato gravy with stewed tomatoes. I really miss it now that she's gone. So yes I love stewed tomatoes on biscuits.

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