
Does any one else think that obama will not live to see old age?

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what i mean is he's not even pres yet and he already has death threatsand people trying to assasinate him. i don't want to vote for him cause i don't think he'll be in office long enough to do all this "change" he has spoken about. what do ya'll think??




  1. Me and my friends have bets on how long it will be before he's assassinated. I got him not making it to the 2nd year of his term.

  2. if he keeps on smoking, this is a good possibility.

  3. Too much g*y s*x there. He probably will get the aids or something.  

  4. It all depends, I know I wouldn't want his VP to become president if something did happen to him, can't stand the man.

  5. Every U.S. president faces the threat of assassination.  Obama will be no different.  The U.S. president has better security and bodyguards than just about anyone on the planet.  Obama will have plenty of time to s***w up the country, just the same as McCain would if there was a snowball's chance in Hades for him to be elected.  At least Obama is attractive and pleasant even if he is a twinkle-toed socialist.

  6. i think that is just an excuse for not voting him.nobody in this world will live forever and do the changes they talked about............

  7. I don't think he will see old age if he does become president

    sorry to say that but its probably true

  8. I have wondered the same thing.

    I think (I hope) that security has increased/improved since President Kennedy and then his brother, were shot down in the '60's.

    I can only imagine that this topic has come up between him and his wife on more then one occasion, and I'm sure it's been discussed, at length, by the movers and shakers of the Democratic Party.

    Hopefully, prayerfully?, enough of the human race has progressed enough in their thinking that they realize:

    1.  We are the HUMAN race, color is not a definer of race;

    2.  Don't vote for or against a person because of their color.

    I was not a big fan of Obama, mainly because I didn't "know" anything about him, but my thoughts have changed.  Oddly though, mainly because of his wife and children.

    I am afraid though that should he unfortunately be assassinated, that it will cause an upheaval of biblical proportions, really.  I lived in L.A. during the riots, and it was scary, terrifying at times.

  9. that is a ridiculous reason not to vote for him.  john mccain will be 72 tomorrow - how much longer is he going to be around for?

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