
Does any one else think that the jonas brothers are annoying?

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Does any one else think that the jonas brothers are annoying?




  1. their more than annoying their ugly. give it a couple of years and their be nobodys.

  2. I do.

    I heard one of their songs on the radio the other day, I actually thought it was a girl at first.  

  3. One of their songs came on the radio and I actually hit my head against the steering wheel until I blacked out...luckily I woke up after the song had finished else I don't know what I would have done...

  4. NO, i think they are awesome!

  5. NO!

  6. Yeah, every parent in the US!

    ...and me too!...


  7. It's not the Jonas Brothers that are annoying

    It's their fans that are annoying!! I'm a fan, too, but honestly! It's annoying to here "I'm going to marry ___ Jonas!" and c**p like that.  

  8. No...  

  9. i don't know, i don't like them, but i don't watch them or pay enough attention to them to say they're annoying.

    to be honest, some of their fans are annoying.

  10. *raises hand* But nowhere near as annoying as their FANS!!!!

  11. Not annoying but I am not a fan of theirs.  

  12. i think you already know the answer to this question.

    but if you really don't just look at the past questions because they are ALL THE SAME!

    the haters saying how g*y they are and the fans saying how they love them.

    now, why don't we start asking some new questions?

  13. somewhat, but there crazy fan girls are a million times more annoying, with their constant pointless questions

  14. not one bit. when you look me in the eyes is me and my boys song!!!!!!

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