
Does any one have a good guacamole dip receipe?

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Does any one have a good guacamole dip receipe?




  1. We do a basic guacamole






    fresh Lime juice is generally squeezed onto food, so no point putting it in the guac.

  2. Ingredients:

        * 6 soft avocados

        * 2-4 cloves of minced garlic, minced

        * 1 cut up lime

        * 1 diced medium tomato

        * 1 diced jalapeno pepper

        * 1/2 diced medium onion

        * chopped cilantro (optional)

        * salt


       1. First you need to cyt avacados in half, take out pit, and spoon avocado into a mixing bowl.

       2. Now add the minced garlic and squeeze your juice from one-half of the lime into the bowl of avacado.

       3. Then smash the ingredients together till creamy.

       4. Next you want to fold in diced tomato and diced onion, a couple pinches of salt, and the juice from the remaining lime half (Also add cilantro or peppers at this time).

       5. Now you can cover the bowl and refrigerate for approx. 30-45 minutes.

       6. Then you can cover and taste.

       7. Add salt as you need it..

       8. Note:Lime gives the avocado helps it stay green.

    Guacamole, a dip made from avocados, is originally from Mexico. The name is derived from two Aztec Nahuatl words - ahuacatl (avocado) and molli (sauce). The trick to perfect guacamole is using good, ripe avocados. Check for ripeness by gently pressing the outside of the avocado. If there is no give, the avocado is not ripe yet and will not taste good. If there is a little give, the avocado is ripe. If there is a lot of give, the avocado may be past ripe and not good. In this case, taste test first before using.

  3. This is the guacamole I've been making for years, to rave reviews; the olive oil gives it a really nice texture. I also retain a little of the citrus juice and sprinkle it over the top to help keep the dip from turning brown:

    2 medium-sized avocados

    2 tbsp. fresh lemon or lime juice

    1 small clove garlic, crushed

    ¼ - ½ mild onion, grated or minced

    1-2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped

    1 small Jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped (or, for milder guac, several dashes of green Tabasco sauce)

    Salt to taste

    1 tbsp. olive oil

    Halve avocados lengthwise, removing pits and scooping out flesh.  Place avocado flesh in a bowl with juice and mash with a fork.  Add the next six ingredients and mix well. Then, add olive oil in a thin stream and mix to a good consistency.

    Keep in refrigerator with plastic wrap pressed on surface so dip doesn’t turn brown.

  4. Cream Cheese and Avocado Dip


    1 small ripe avocado

    8 oz. cream cheese

    2 oz. soft butter (optional)

    1/2 tsp. celery salt

    1 Tbs. chopped chives

    Few grains salt


    Remove skin and seed from ripe avocado. Put the pulp and cheese through a fine sieve. Place in mixing bowl, add remainder of ingredients, beat slowly until smooth

  5. 2 avacodoes

    1 tsp salt

    1-2 T. lime juice

    1-2 cloves garlic or 1 tsp garlic powder

    1 finely chopped onion

    1 or 2 chopped tomatoes

    For more kick, you can add jalepano juice or a few slices of pickled jalepanoes or some whole, seeded jalepanoes

    Start with peeling the avacodoes. When they are ready, chop them into fairly small chunks, then mash them up with a fork. Chop the garlic cloves and jalepano very, very, very fine and add to the avacodo, along with the salt and lime juice. I like this chunky kind of guacamole, but it takes a lot more time to make.

    Transfer the avacado mixture into some sort of tupperware container and seal the lid. Put it in the fridge while you chop your onion and tomato.

    When you are done chopping the stuff, take the avacado mixture out of the fridge and test it. You might need to add more salt, garlic poweder, lime juice or jalepano juice depending on your tastes. Those ingredients are pretty flexible. Just remember that it is better to start out with less because you can always add more but you can't take it away.

    Once the avacodo mixture tastes good to you, mix in the tomato and onion. Store in an airtight container so it will last longer. If you use a lot of lime juice and keep it covered while not in use it should last a couple of days. If you just put it in a bowl with plastic wrap over it, make sure you press the plastic wrap down until it touches the guacamole. If air is left in the container, it will turn brown.

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