
Does any one have a good idea on serving chocolate covered strawberries in this hot weather?

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Ok we are throwing a grad party for my brother and i thought it would be a good idea to serve chocolate covered strawberries then after I bought every thing i relized that if i just leave them out they will melt with the heat... any how... does any one have a creative idea in a way to display?




  1. Fill a big shallow dish with crushed ice.  Then nestle a smaller dish in the ice and put the strawberries on there.  Make sure none of the ice gets in the strawberry dish.  And replenish the ice as it melts.  Have a great party and congrats to your brother! :)

  2. Place ice cubes (now ice cubes trays comes in array of design, you may even find little diplomas or caps) inside of a platter as much as you fit in. Next place your yummy strawberry treat on a dish on top of platter covering it. This should keep them nice an chill. Also, I would keep them refrigerated until your ready to start the party. Have a great time!

  3. Have a shallow dish filled with ice cubes under the tray holding the strawberries and make sure that they are not sitting in the sun.

  4. Keep them inside so that whenever someone goes in for a bit of cool air they can get one. Or just keep them inside and serve one with a piece of cake for each person when its time for dessert.

  5. Put the strawberries on little skewers.  Make sure the skewers are longer than your bowl is deep.  Get a big glass bowl, a piece of floral / craft foam.  Put the foam in the bottom of the bowl and fill the bowl with ice.  Poke the skewers through the ice and into the foam keeping the strawberries right at the level of the ice.  They'll stay cool and it looks really cute with all the strawberries poking up out of the ice.

  6. Can you make your chocolate into fondue? This way you can wash the strawberries and then people can dip them in the chocolate themselves.

    Tyler Florence has an excellent chocolate fondue recipe on that stays liquid for awhile and does not need to be kept over heat.

    I guess you could also freeze the chocolate covered strawberries until you are ready to serve them. They will probably get a lot of condensation on them as they melt, though.

  7. Get one of those transparent (colourless) clean tall flower vases/those rectangular things for putting coloured stones in  and place a smaller one inside it. You can place the chocolate covered strawberries inside the small one and place dry ice outside in the larger one.

    Congrats to your brother too! :D

  8. get a cooler, open it,. fill it with ice, and put a tray of chocolate covered strawberries on the ice, maybe that will work, test it first though!!!!!!

  9. Yes,

    Do it the more exciting way.

    Buy an inexpensive chocolate fondue maker( maybe $20).

    Keep it wherever you serving( outside, inside) and have the chocolate melting in it with the fresh strawberries next to it.

    The people dip their own in the melted chocolate.

    For one thing, they're 10 times better then pre-made and you don't have to worry about them melting.

    Dip and eat.

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