
Does any one have a recipe to make snow?

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I'm a preschool teacher and looking for a recipe to make snow in the classroom. I was told there is a recipe without any chemical, but I have not been able to find one.




  1. make ice and shave it lol.





  3. Shredded coconut will work fine, and if you want finer pieces then you can put it into a food processor and grind it up a little!  It will be non-toxic for the kids and you can use it later if you don't mind preschoolers hands on it (I wouldnt, because who knows where their hands have been!) Good luck! if my idea dosent work for you i hope you find a good one!


  4. hmmm that sounds really interesting I will look..........this is the only thing I could find when I searched how to make snow, not sure exactly what it is but looks pretty cool.........Happy New Years

  5. When I worked in childcare we used whip cream for snow that way the children could taste it and we didn't have to worry about them. We would put it on wax paper and let them go to town. It was a huge hit.

  6. We made snow when doing The Mitten and I have searched high and low for the recipe we used the powdered ivory snow , water and Elmer's and I forgot what else!!! They do sell insta snow at my favorite teacher supply

  7. Winter Snow Recipe

    Here is a classic recipe for winter painting from Patty.

    Materials: Soap flakes, water, liquid starch, and white powdered tempra.

    Description: Mix soap flakes with water into a thick paste. Let children mix with a hand beater. Add a small amount of liquid starch and tempra. Let children create designs by painting with this mixture.

  8. Buy a snow cone maker if you want snow.  I tried to do a google for you and didn't come up with anything either.  

    Sounds like a great project for the scouts too.  


  9. Call G-d & ask him to make some up for

  10. I am a mentor preschool teacher in a head start center. There are many different recipes for snow. Many of the children at my center has never seen snow. Which it includes myself. A easy recipe for making snow is:


    1/2 bar of Ivory soap

    Quart size baggie or zip lock bag

    1/2 cup of water


    Place the bar of soap in the baggie. Then pour the water little over the soap. Fold top down and tape(to prevent spilling) and place in the refrigerator overnight.  Encourage the children to knead the soap in the bag. Scoop snow out and the children can make snow balls to play with. This is a great science experiment and feels great( instant lotion). For an extended activity let it melt some and the possibilities are endless. This activity accompanies the books " Dream Snow, The Mitten, Snowy Day. ( great books).

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