
Does any one have any ideas what my dreams about?

by  |  earlier

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a few nights ago i had a dream that i crossed a road with my twin, she got half way and i didn't and i got ran over by a car he reversed and then ran over to me and covered me in my dogs blanket? which is weird

then i had every one i love with me while i was led in a bed. i couldn't make out what bed it was, im asuming it was in a hospital. When i thought back at it i knew i had seen the man before but i didn't make out who he was.

For the whole dream i was watching it from a brids eye veiw and i could feel someone smoothing my hair.

Does any one know what my dream was about?

thanks to people who can answer.!




  1. It sounds like you're feeling loved and comforted.  If you've had something worrying you recently, it may mean your subconscious has sorted itself out over it and it's no longer a worry, maybe you've come up with an action plan or something and are in control of it now

  2. I think this is about you feeling a little inferior or insecure.  You know that these fears seem to be unfounded, but you have them anyway. You feel that if anything is going to go wrong, it will happen to you.  I think you may try and analyse why you feel this sometimes and you know you are loved but maybe want to feel that little bit more special sometimes.  Just to be the most important thing in someone's life and for someone to be proud of you.

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