
Does any one have any suggestions for an activity to do with two year olds?

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As part of the application process at a local childcare facility, I have to prepare an activity for a two year old class and a four year old class. I have have my activity for the four year olds and I am still searching for an activity to do with the two year olds. I thought about bringing in some music and having them movie. What are your suggestions?




  1. I used this web site quite frequently when I taught toddlers:




  3. watch signing time with alex and leah and it helps teach them a second language

  4. My all time favorite with 2 years old children is most definitely water play.  No real goal is put forward here other than being a facilitator for so many developmental benefits.  A lot of new teachers think that they have to be doing something, or be in control , or direct the activity.  You dont!  Ask for a water table....some water......some cups, bowls, know!!  Let the kids take this one where they want.  Its OK for spills .  If you have some baby dolls  these could be for baby washing.  This is an age appropriate, developmentally targeted, community activity.  Try not to have one of anything in the activity.  Model behavior with the manipulative's.  This is really a cant miss with these guys.

  5. make it short and sweet. I work at a day care center with 13 2 year olds and its tough. Interactive short stories are fun where they can each have a puppet or something. They also live songs like itsy bitsy spider or barney's i love you (call ahead and see what cds they have and what they know.. because its hard teaching them new songs)

    they like simons says (well you say simon everytime so no one gets out because they don't pay attention to that part)

    also crafts are fun (as long as they are sitting at a table) they are good with painting with bingo dabbers and using stickers and stuff)

  6. A good activity would be singing sillie songs, putting together BIG PEICED jigsaw puzzles , coloring, or even just watching an educational movie! If u would like to bring in a snack i recomened fruit snacks or cut up appl eslices into small peices, with a juice box

  7. As you well know songs are a good way for children to learn something in the sharing field is a good way to start.  We look to the answers on yahoo make things hopefully brighter I cannot give expert advice although If you stick to your intuition and maybe ask some of parents ideas on the subject it may help.

  8. play with alphabet and number blocks , singing  (if dey can talk)

  9. 2 year olds love to dance!  go for it!

  10. yes show him his ABC's and 123's that will help him Ha hilarious tried it With my brother but doesn't work but this works sing along with him

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