
Does any one have any suggestions for deja vu?

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i have had what I guess you could call deja vu since I was a kid. And I can feel when something really awful has happened. And people I know will just pop into my mind and if I will it, they usually show up in my life within a few days. What I would like is some advice on how to harness what I know I have. Any suggestions?




  1. my hypothesis is as follows, if you can follow my logic.....

    your mind stores memories as images, and as time goes on... those images may become less sharp. when you come into a situation which closely resembles some past situation, the mind trys to see if you remember the situation or if it is a new entry by overlapping the new image with old ones. as your brain runs through the past memory images, one or more image may resemble it closely enough to trick your brain into thinking the new situation has happened before. but it's not a perfect match so many times you find yourself asking "has that hapened before?" instead of recalling a normal memory.  I believe it is the manifestation of an error in the memory section of the brain.

    by the way i get this all the time.

  2. Current scientific consensus states deja vu is sort of a glitch that happens in your brain's wiring, making you remember event as it's happening.  There is nothing paranormal about it.

    It appears you are describing premonitions.  Those are just coincidence and confirmation bias.  Nothing paranormal about them either.  Sorry, you have no magical powers.  You're human just like the rest of us.

  3. i get that too

  4. What you have isn't exactly deja vu.  Deja vu is when, as something is actually happening, you have a very strong feeling of it having happened before; like an event is repeating itself exactly.  What you have are premonitions.  In the case of something bad, that is a foreboding; you feel that something terrible is going to happen and it does.

    The ability to have these feelings can be regarded as both a blessing and a curse.  I happen to think  that it's all good, even when it's bad.  It's like everyone with a functioning brain has some kind a computer in their head that is tracking everything and analyzing and calculating.   Most of this is buried so deep people can't pull it out.  (And maybe all computers don't work at the same speed).  But, you, and others with this ability, have access, so when your computer calculates that some event tips the scale of probability, you see it on your visual screen or feel it.  This would indicate that you have a lively mind and care about others.

    Maybe this ability can't prevent calamities,  but it should  make you a cautious person which can't but help increase the survival chances of you and those you care about.  And, please don't become a worry wart.  You are blessed with this harmony of your inner and outer worlds.

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