I have a 5 year old son, the last of three children and he is the only one with ADHD, he was first diagnosed when he was 2 1/2 but as him mum I figured that every child at that age is over active and on the go.. I have changed his diet, no preservatives, sugars etc, and that seemed to help for awhile but as the years have past he has gotten worse.. He is a beautiful child and can be so sweet, but then he turns into someone we just dont know, he beats up other children bigger than him, inluding his older brother, but no-one retaliates against him, the fact that he is small for his age and because he is a bully and will most likely make them suffer more.. He has started to be a very nasty child and watching him daily with his siblings and the way he treats them is shameful.. I have recently taken him to see a specialist and his follow up appointment is coming up soon.. I have spoken to his teacher and she say's that he is very active and can be disruptive etc.