
Does any one have fibromyalga??

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im49 , i was in abad wreck 1and half years ago . now i developed fibr. some days im in alot of pain i take two different med:s they dont work real well . is ther any cure or does it get better . mine dosent seem to work .




  1. Yes, was diagnosed 5 years ago but had pain 3 years before and doctors couldn't figure it out.  I haven't tried any of the new medications out on the market.  I exercise.  That helps some.  I have my days.  Sometimes my body tries to make me lay in bed but I fight it mentally and get up anyway.  I try to keep as busy as possible to keep my mind off the pain.  Advil used to work for me.  it worked for at least a year and a half.  But my body became immuned to it and it stopped working.  So, if you haven't tried Advil should.  No, it doesn't get better.  It gets worse.  You have to be strong dealing with this illness.  You can't let it depress you and I know it's hard.  I went through depression myself but I just hyped myself up to believe that I'm going to be okay and I can just deal with it.  Which is exaclty what I've done, without medication, for the past 3 years.  Good luck!  

  2. I think my grandma has it.She seems like she is overexxaggerating her pains though

  3. i know 5htp and some anti depressants and tryptophan help. you might also want to try magnesium and/or alpha lipoic acid and/or theanine

  4. I'm so sorry you have this horrible illness.  Firstly, I'm no doctor.  I speak from experience.  Unfortunately, there aren't any cures.  There are treatments that may help.

    You need to be seen by a rheumatologist that treats fibromyalgia (fms).  Call before you make an appointment, as many won't treat fms.

    You may also need to be seen by a pain clinic.  This link will help you find a doctor in your area.  Don't let anyone tell you there is no hope for the pain.  There is.  You just have to find what works for you.

    I urge you to join an online or local fibromyalgia support group.  Find one that's a good fit for you.  They can be a great help in getting you resources for treatments.  Go to yahoo groups and search for fibromyalgia.  There's several there.

    I've listed several links to get you started on becoming an educated patient.  Don't be ignorant of your condition.  Many doctors aren't aware of the latest treatments, so do your own research and bring it to them if you have to.

    Good luck.  Don't give up.  It may take awhile, but you can get treatment to feel better and reduce your pain somewhat.  

  5. My grandmother does. There is a website, im not sure of the name but check it out. Look it up on google they have a lot of pain management and small activites you can do to prevent pain. Dont let it get in your way.

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