
Does any one have good cheers?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 12 years old and I'm in cheer. We want to do some other different cheers. Can u please help me on this?




  1. i have alot of good cheers but i dont want to put them on this forum. email me at

  2. I dont know if youre already doing this, but the color shout would be great! :)

  3. Yay! I'm a cheerleader too! Here's some of the one's we do (but you'll have to replace them with your colors and mascot) Let the Xs be claps and the Os be stomps

    Do it now/ do it right/ packers/ let's fight!

    S-C-O-R-E/ Score, packers, score!

    All the way/ all the way (pause) go pack!

    First/ and ten, let's go x*x

    First and ten/ do it again/ go/ go!

    We've XX Got XX Spirit O XX O XX S-P-I-R-I-T/ Spirit/ Let's hear it!

    P a ck ers/ Mighty Packers/ The best

    P XX O XX WER XX Packers/ Got (pause) X Power

    Lets/ Get/ A little bit rowdie/ Packers are XX Rowdie

    Hey/ Hey you/ Our guys are after you/ so ready/ set/ hut, hut hut X

    I'll add more if I think of them. It's kinda hard since you can't hear them, but... I hope this helps! Cheers!  

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