
Does any one have good ideas for recycling at schools????

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I am trying to impose a new recycling process at our school and a way to help the environment, because many things have been tried but the people are really unconcious and nothing works for more than a week. I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what I could do or how I could convince the people to recycle and if the colored trashcans are better or what

Thank you!!!




  1. start small, try just paper recycling at first then if that is successful go on to plastic as well. and work your way up.

    p.s: if that doesnt work try showing them what gruesome life it would be if we didnt recycle.include the slow painful death and dont leave out and graphical images also abonden them on an abandoned island when they are supposed to going to france to teach the teamwork and make them a little less stuck up. it worked for my old school (not that i had anything to do with  it).

  2. The education awareness are crucial to society, and start at school seems to be the most appropriate method.

    But it is very important to be done guidance regarding the consumption aware, (consume products with packaging ecologically correct) avoiding minimize the generation of waste.

  3. Totally depends on the age of your kids, but incentives and reasoning usually work.  Try the link - it's a great 20-minute video that older kids could really get into.  

    You could always have a weight competition between grade levels or classrooms to encourage recycling.  Is the recycling center in your community close by and open for tours? That might be a fun field trip : )

  4. you could do recycleing benfit type events such as have people donate useful items that could benefit the school or its student and families such as books, computers,, clothes,, home furnishing,, just try to set up event themes in which it would benefit the school or pupils and family for whatever the need may be.

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