
Does any one have tips on how 2 do a flip off the diving board?

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Does any one have tips on how 2 do a flip off the diving board?




  1. Yes. I first practiced the proper moves and got confidence working out on a trampoline. The moves and body language are almost identical.

    While working on the tramp be sure you have a couple of spotters.

    It worked for me and first time, every time I could do back flips. Somersaults are a piece of cake.

  2. Flipping off the diving board may seem daunting at first, but you'll get used to it. I learned how during mid-february, and now I can do a double somersault!

    First, make sure you can do a front dive, preferably tuck

    That means you jump up, go into a ball, and then come out straight and enter the water head first

    Now, once you can do that, try over-rotating just a little bit, but not enough to smack

    That means that you're going to enter the water with your legs leaning towards the other side of the pool

    This will get you started thinking how it might feel to rotate a little bit

    Once you feel confident, do a front tuck dive, but stay in the tuck and swing your arms forward a bit. It will be over before you know it!

    And, let's face it, the worst that's going to happen is you're going to smack the water, right?

    So, you've got nothing to lose.

    Oh, and also, if you have a trampoline, definately do it on their first. If you can, have spotters with you, but if nobody's there, or if you have nobody who is good at spotting (which is basically the same as having none), then do this:

    1. do a basic somersault on the ground of the trampoline

    2. add a small jump, but still have your arms touch the ground, and have your head slightly off the ground

    3. add a bigger jump, reach for the ground, and flip over

    4. add the biggest jump you can do, still reach for the ground, but I doubt your hands will actually hit the ground

    what'll end up happening is your reach will make it so you flip over, and you might land on you lower back, but heck, you just did a flip! Plus, landing on your back on a trampoline doesn't hurt

    I hope this advice helps!

    Good Luck!!! :)

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