
Does any one here miss Scooter the Squirrel and How many outs are there in an inning in baseball?

by Guest33752  |  earlier

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I want Scooter to come back. Yahoo has no heart and must realize that real people go on this site.




  1. Dunno Scooter but hes more than welcome to be here.

  2. They are 6 outs in an inning.  Scooter is back for 1 week  as he's keeping a promise concerning a bet that he lost. Whether he will stay beyond the week remains to be seen. But anything is possible.

  3. miss the squirrel

    and 6 out ih an inning

  4. 6 outs in an inning. And yes I miss him. He's one of the best answerers on here.  

  5. Oh YES I DO!  Keep your fingers CROSSED! You never know!

  6. 6.

    Scooter lives!!

  7. Scooter was awesome and there is 6 outs in a full inning and 3 in a half.  

  8. I don't miss the squirrel, and there are 6 outs in an inning, 3 for each side, unless a runner beats out a dropped third strike, in which case a strikeout is recorded, but no out.

  9. For the average team, there are three outs in each half for a total of six outs in an inning.  However, if one of those teams is the Dodgers, there might be seven or eight outs due to their traditionally weak defense.  Scooter has a better glove--and tries harder--than Manny Ramirez.

  10. YES I miss Scooter!

    I hope that even after the week for the bet that he will decide to stay around for a while or even visit once a week or so... (hint hint) =D

    Six outs in an inning, three for each team.

  11. 6 in an inning

    and yea

    we need more people like scooter

  12. I'm not familiar with Scooter, and there are six. Three in each half.  

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