
Does any one in Newfoundland & Labrador have an issues with thier power meter readings?

by  |  earlier

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I have requested to Newfoundland Power to have my Digital meter check for calibration or replaced due to a high utility bill, they said NO. I understand that there are estimates and actual readings but when I purchased my home in January of this year, I began to insulate the basement walls strait away. The second power bill I received was higher than the first, they said it was because of an estimate. I am only in the home 7 months and I was on an equal payment plan of $250 per month, that's a new 1100 sf bungalow with full basement, electric heat only, dishwasher, dryer, washing in cold water, energy star thermostats maintaining a 21 degree temp in cold months only. Not unlike any new home here in the St'John's area. But just today NL Power called me to tell me that bases on my current power consumption, they have changed my equal payment plan from $250 per month to $490 per month! Something is very wrong! Would like someone's input on this matter.




  1. wow, that is way too much to be paying. Something is defiantly wrong.

    We have a small bungalow and electric heat and our bill has never gone over 240 and that's in the coldest month with Christmas lights blazing.

    My sister lives on Bauline line in a very large house(2400 sq ft) with 3 bedroom, up stairs and a basement along with a small apartment and their highest light bill was 450 during winter.

    defiantly get it looked into.

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