
Does any one know a good psychic that had proven themselve to you?

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I am just wondering if psychic is real. can they really look into the future and what is with the "free will" believe. If you know who it is. Can I have some information I need to solve some problem that i have been having for 6 months now.




  1. yeah, i went to one once in oregon.  she told me that something would happen at the end of July (about 2 mos. away)  and it did.

  2. I have never seen one real psychic.  You can make or change your future. Only YOU. Get advice from a good friend, a counselor, but a psychic is out to feed you what you may want to hear. Thats my two cents.

  3. Thus far none have ever been able to prove thier abilities. Many have tried, however, and there are many charlatans pretending that they are psychics.

    The most common trick that psychics use is a game called cold-reading. Look that up online.

    In cold-reading they talk to you and prod for information, then when they hit something they tell it to you as if they got it from some devine source. Some people can do it very convincingly. Those that are less convincing become mediums, because its easier to trick someone who has recently lost a love one and is desperate to get back in touch with them.

  4. I do not remember his name but I had a psychic on the radio tel me exactly;y what would happen 9 months before it happens. this was in 1992.


  5. You make your own future.

  6. I don't know any on a personal basis. However the VERITAS program at the University of Arizona conducts research on mediums/psychics. While they nor I endorse them they at least have shown a willingness to participate in scientific research of their abilities. (link below)

    I personally suspect the future is not set in stone since every choice (free will) a person makes can effect the future. Thus you are more likely dealing with probabilities (just like quantum physics) concerning a future outcome.

    Also, I support counseling and therapy (the non psychic kind) as another way to get help in examining any problem(s) in your life.

  7. they are not real. you can say 'you are going through a very rough time in your life right about now' to ANYONE and that ANYONE will be able to relate to the 'troublesome' time thats going on RIGHT NOW by exams in school...a troubled home life....a bad relationship....someone dying....something dying....anyone can relate to the anythign that isn't detail for detail...and even if you can, its been put so vague that, still, anyone can relate to it....

    there are ways 'psychics' or ' mediums' [or whatever you want to call them] can put things as to anyone and everyone relating to them just like i said in the first no....don't believe the hype. its all just fun and entertainment....and then again--the people that actually believe themselves that they have these 'supernatural' powers on their own...haha, they're a trip in themselves!!

    have fun!


  8. Joe Mcmoneagle is your best bet, check him out. He has humiliated skeptics repeatedly, he got medals from the US army for his participation in the US governments 20 year psychic spying program.

  9. No they are not real.  Please don't buy into the personal philosophy of magical thinking.  It might make you warm and fuzzy in the short run, but in the long run there is only detriment.

  10. yes i had a tarot card reading off a lady, she was very blunt and i didnt like anything she said to me which was basically that my boyfriend was a manipulative, compulsive liar who was not to be trusted, he cheated, he'd take every last penny i had, he wouldnt lift a finger to help me in anyway, he looked out for number one, he was aggresive and abusive and he would never change. she said we would split up and id move on, well i was nearly in tears i couldnt speak, it was all lies of course we would last forever.

    well thats what i thought, turns out she was spot on i wont go into detail or id be here all night. i mean i didnt like what she said but i respect her now for telling it like it was.

    ive also been to another who has always been spot on and has a very nice way of explaining things.

  11. Hello

    I am a psychic & meditating with spirit has helped be solve a lot of problems & get very direct, clear guidance.

    Yes psychics can look into the future, but the here & now is equally important as is the past.

    Free Will is the philosophy that we can direct our own destiny via our thoughts & actions.


  12. buddhist lamas are good psychics, they're not going to tell you the future, but they do sometimes read your mind extremely well.. They'd prefer people to concentrate on the contents of buddhism rather than seeing psychic phenomena as more important. Trust me though, they are extremely psychic..

  13. I believe people have free will.

    If you want a FREE reading, check out my website?

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