
Does any one know a natural sleep time remedies??

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Does any one know a natural sleep time remedies??




  1. Yes, try to limit caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening. And about 30 minutes before bed, take a Melatonin supplement.

    Lavender aromatherapy is very soothing and aids insomnia. Also, I don't know if you believe in crystal healing or not, but placing a genuine Amethyst crystal under your pillow works miracles. You will sleep soundly with no nightmares.  

  2. A bed buddy always works for me. You can buy them at Walgreens or the closest drug store to where you live. It is a long skinny white pillow, with blue handles, that you heat in the microwave for several minutes.

    Works everytime for me.

  3. A nice warm bubble bath works for me.

  4. Our bodies are very observant.  By being so, this provides us with the ability to quote on quote program our bodies.  Try doing the same thing every day a half hour before you go up for bed.  For example, drink a glass of milk; some enjoy warm milk.  By doing this activity you are using positive reinforcer's to specify to your body it's time for sleep.  An example of this is, when people sleep they turn off their lights.  In essence this is a positive reinforcer, like a program telling their body it's time.  

  5. Slow down the last 15 minutes to 1 hour of your day.  Keep conversation quieter and to a minimum, without disagreement, nothing grim on tv.  Play soft music and shower or bathe in warm water.  Be sure your bed and pillow are comfortable.  If it stays quiet for at least the first 15 minutes you are asleep, you are more likely to drop into the really deep sleep you need to begin your nightly healing and renewal.  (That is what sleep is about.)

    Specific soporifics:  warmed milk (it makes the l tryptophan more accessible).  A turkey sandwich and milk - the turkey and milk combo make the l. tryptophan in both more accessible.  Chamomile tea (but it will also make you sweat).

  6. Go to bed at the same time every night (even on weekends) and stick to a routine. Limit your TV, caffeine and sugars throughout the day and cut them out all together in the evenings. Start to dim your lights about an hour before bedtime to tell your body that it's time to sleep. (it's our natural instinct to sleep when the sun goes down). I usually turn off my normal lights and switch to a lamp half an hour before bed. Doing this gradually tells your body to release the hormones that makes you go to sleep. Also, go to your local health food store and buy a bottle of pure lavender extract. Sprinkle a few drops on your pillow and take a whiff half an hour before bed. Hope this helps. :]

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