
Does any one know about living in Uruguay?

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I have been researching it and Uruguay seems like an awesome place to live, cheap, no crime, developed economy, but is it really great? is it really cheap as to where I can live really good? if any one knows anything, please tell me!




  1. its full of nice women!!!!!!!

  2. it's nice

  3. I have a friend who is living in Uruguay right now. She has told me that the economy isn't that great. Jobs are hard to come by and the pay isn't too good. (At least in comparison to the way things are in the US.) But I believe you are correct in the other things mentioned. It is supposed to be beautiful and a much more developed country than many others in Latin America.

    As in any country in the world, life can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want to make it. It just depends on what you are willing to let go of and compromise on. When I lived in Honduras we could have spent double what we did to live in a much nicer place but we chose to live a little simpler and save that money to do other things. It's all a choice!

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