My son is 5 and very very defiant. I have taken him to 3 doctors, 2 say he has behavior problems and one says he has oppositional defiance disorder..
He constantly dosen't listen, unless I threaten to take away a toy..I am constantly saying you have 3 seconds o get over here or you lose your toy..1-2- and 3 he comes..I am at my wits end with this child.
He dosen't listen to his teachers
He acts like he is 3 for example he cracked 4 eggs on the floor while i was upstairs
He does not listen, so I have to be on top of him like he is 3
I keep waiting for him to mature..I am still waiting
He speaks on a 3 year old level..he is in special ed and has a para..Kindergarden is such a struggle for him..homework is a nightmare for me, because he dosen't want to do it...I am definetly more strict with him..
Does anyone have a child like this? Is he older? How did he turn out? Any advice would help