Try and answer this? I wrote about this in a past essay and I am still interested in what people has to say.
Today’s world seems consumed by individualism, Sartre’s existentialism argues that our condition as individuals is ultimately one of despair and hopelessness.
Do you think that diagnosis is correct? If not, why not? Do you reject individualism, and subscribe to a conception of community, or just aspects of how Sartre saw it?
Although the existentialists have often been thought to be aligned with Nietzsche and Sartre in seeing life without a God as a freeing of the individual, this focus on the individual began with the reformation of Martin Luther, and perhaps a bit earlier with William of Ockham’s nominalism. Ockham promoted the idea that the only reality was the concrete particular (universals were simply names), and Martin Luther emphasized the salvation of individual souls standing alone before the God which so terrified Kierkegaard.