
Does any one know any good blondejokes?

by  |  earlier

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Or can you make up good ones, if so what r they????




  1. Why was the blonde's belly button black & blue?










    .Her boyfriend was blonde too.

  2. ok when a blonde girl jumps out o fa airplane she throws down her knife and she lands and sayd little boy why are you crying? and he says a knife flew down and  killed my kitten. and she says oh thnx u found my knife.            then he rblonde freindthrows down a bomb and when she lands she asked why the old man was laughing. he sed cuz when i farted my houz blew up!  !!!!       i guess its ok i hope this helps ok

  3. go to and click on BLONDE LOKES

  4. How do you keep a blonde home?

    Build a circular driveway.

  5. i got a 2

    what does a beer bottle and a blonde have in common?

    there both empty from the neck up


    how do you get a blonde fired from the m & m factory?

    tell her to throw out all the w's

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