
Does any one know any good insaults?

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Does any one know any good insaults?




  1. Chinese insult

    May you live in interesting times


    Next time steal a car that you can drive

    Are you a product of public education?

    Are we a bit slow today for a reason?

    A contaminant in the gene pool

    Your mother dresses you funny

  2. I'm not sure if I do or don't. Is this a type of restaurant?

  3. I sure do, but you don't rate one. LOL

  4. Next time someone tells you their hungry, say:  "look in the mirror, you get fed-up!"

    When someone complains about their weight:  "Well, if ya wanna lose ten pounds of ugly fat, cut off  your head"

    "My brother is soo ugly, we have to tie a pork chop around his neck so our dog will play with him"

    GIRL (or guy) JAY-WALKING ACROSS THE STREET, STOPPING TRAFFIC, NOT CARING AS IF THEY OWN THE TOWN.  "HEY, YOU AIN'T THAT FINE TO WALK THAT SLOW"  Seems subtle, but works well, their walk seems like it's taking much, much longer, lol.

    I always used to drive my younger sister crazy whenever she became too full of herself (she had one complex, being short)... I'd play the Randy Newman song, "Short People"

    and if you've never heard it, you have to find it!

    Play nice now.  Mary.     ; )

  5. If someone criticizes your life-style, tell him

    "Do thou amend thy face, and I will amend my life."

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