
Does any one know any good jobs for 15 year olds?

by  |  earlier

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i need help to find a good job, iam 15 and need a place to work to earn some money. i live in a place called scarborough in north yorkshire so if you know any place round my are, that would be a bonus!!!!





  1. I'm not from your area but I'd recommend a paper round or a local buisness, like a small shop.

    Most bigger shops such as Argos, take people on at 16, so you'll have to stick with local places.  Maybe a local newsagents or clothes shop would do the trick.

    Good luck!

  2. You could try a building company or a scaffolding company because they pay well, i get £6.50 an hour with the scaffolding company i work with.

  3. Start providing news papers to your neighbor in the earlier morning. Through this you will get enough money to spend according to your age frame and it is also increase willingness to work within you.

  4. I am fifteen also and find it hard to come up with job ideas. I would reccommend a newspaper round as they are fairly basic and don't require much brain capacity - it also provides you with a good work ethic, 2 weeks of paid holiday (yes that is 2 weeks pay for doing nothing), a wage ranging from 15 quid a week (depending on area and newspapers delivered) and what may be a useful reference when getting a first job at a store if that is what you are into (providing you do a good job).

    Another option is to look in your local paper for jobs such as leaflet delivering and i agree with approaching small stores - unfortunately you have to start somewhere so any job is better than no job at all (so long as it is legal and ethical :))

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