
Does any one know any good scary storys?

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im bored and in the mood for a good scary story that i could tell my friends tonight when we camp in my back yard haha yeah we are cool. so if you know any good ones or where i could find some i would love to read them!




  1. there are some parts in the ameytyville horror book that scare the shiza out of me

  2. the movies on the first answer dont come close to scary you shoul watch PET SEMATARY OR STARNGELAND, those are some WTF,movies

  3. When it is dark, try walking around with a torch lit up under your head. Start moaning and whaling. When your friends look out it will appear that your head is floating in the air :)

    Also find out a couple of secrets about your friends and whilst with them, discretely, start rabbiting to a pretend ghost who is telling you their secrets.

    Have fun :)

  4. I don't know... It kinda scares me whenever people say that the universe will be sucked into a black hole on December 23, 2012. But here's a story:

    Molly was walking home from school when her boyfriend pulled his car over and told her to get in. When Molly asked where they were going, her boyfriend said nothing. Her boyfriend pulled over next to a beautiful lake, late at night. Molly thought her boyfriend was going to propose, but instead, he pushed her into the freezing water.

    "I am breaking up with you, you b****! I never want to see your dumb a** again!" He laughed as he sped away in the car. Molly came home, cold and wet. She locked the bathroom door behind her and drew herself a hot bath. Using her razor, she slit her wrists and died. When her parents came home, they begged Molly to open the door. When she did not answer, her dad broke down the door, only to find blood, all over the bathroom walls and floor. Molly's body was gone. Three days later, her mother went insane and killed herself, while Molly's dad was arrested for being accused of murder. Meanwhile, the ex boyfriend was taking a shower when Molly's corpse, all bloody and rotting, appeared through the shower drain. Holding up the razor, Molly only said two words,

    "Goodbye, Jason." She slit his throat before he could scream.

  5. well i mean idk really any but a good scary movies or shows...

    ghost hunters

    when a stranger calls

    one missed call


    the ring 1 and 2

    hope that helped :)

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