
Does any one know any good sites to online trede or exchange things? thanks?

by Guest65521  |  earlier

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Does any one know any good sites to online trede or exchange things? thanks?




  1. Craigslist ( has a section labeled BARTER within their FOR SALE category.

    Be prepared to deal with heavy ad spamming, some scams and wading through a lot of uncategorized junk because if you don't mind sorting through it, you can find some great deals.

    Depending what you're looking to get and receive, you could even go outside your local area but I wouldn't suggest doing this the first time out. It may be a bit of an overload.

    If you haven't been scared off, I'll let you in on a real time-saver.

    At the very bottom of the Craigslist page, you'll see a button labeled RSS on the right side of your screen. Click it.

    It'll ask you to choose a reader if you haven't already done so. I like Google Reader because it allows me to mark off things I've already seen but I'm sure other do that as well.

    Using Google's reader, you can easily go through the posts marking off things you've already looked at and when something new comes up, your page automatically refreshes.

    Set the page as your browser's start page and when you turn on your computer the next day you'll see new posts.

    This strategy allows you to browse Craigslist's gi-normous database little bits at a time thus saving you time and sanity. I also use it to get jobs and procure providers.

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