
Does any one know how i can find stains on black carpet?

by  |  earlier

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my spoiled cat has been having issues and she has peed on my carpet in my bedroom i just don't know where or how im going to find it so that i can clean it up. PLEASE HELP!!




  1. The best way to find urine stains is with a black light. You can purchase a mini black light at target/walmart etc that use batteries it's the perfect size. Just shut the lights off and start the checking.

    A product called "Urine Gone" comes with a black light with it however i've heard the product itself dosen't work that great. Use natures miracle to clean the urine.  

  2. First of all keep the cat out of your bedroom.

    Secondly, use your nose and find the urine.

    Remove the urine with a strong solution of washing soda and water.  Soak a cloth in the solution, wring out until well damp.  Press on to the urine stain/smell, and continue you are satisfied you have removed the urine.

    Go to the site below for detailed instructions.

    Best of luck.

  3. You won't see them. The best thing to do is hire a carpet cleaner and shampoo the entire room, alternatively pay someone to do it (expensive).  Keep kitty out of your bedroom and if it has become 'dirty' then shut it up at night in downstairs room with tiles/vinyl on the floor and provide a litter tray.  Sometimes cats get incontinent because they have kidney problems, it may be worth a visit to the vets if this is a new problem.

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