
Does any one know how to get more then 1 master ball in pokemon fire red and pokemon ruby ?

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Does any one know how to get more then 1 master ball in pokemon fire red and pokemon ruby ?




  1. you can always cheat in fire red

    and in ruby you have the smallest of chances of winning the lottery at the mall and receiving a masterball, but that is only if all numbers find a match, trade with a lot of people this will increase your chances of winning

    you will only need one though for latias/latios forgot which one you will face, which is found roaming and there is hard to catch.

    for all other pokemon you will only need patience, groudon get him down to red and put him to sleep and just keep chucking ultra balls.

    and for rayquaza who is found on top of sky pillar hit him with a weak ice beam (he is lvl70) and you will almost instantly get him down to red then paralyze/freeze/put him to sleep and keep on throwing masterballs all it takes is patience.

  2. There is no way to get 2 masterballs unless you trade or use a cheating device.

  3. You need an Action Replay cheats carriage or you have to get one and attach it to a pokemon and then trade it to the other game.

    There's no other easy way but using cheats can corrupte your saved data so if you do use on, make sure you only apply one code at once because it minimises the risk. You'll get 99 master balls in the pc if you do use the code and as long as you save the game straight after you apply the code the balls will stay their with no damage done.

    If you do notice damage, (usually you see it in the menu screen while trying to flick through your bag quickly) turn the gameboy/ Ds off straight away without saving and they damage won't be saved.

  4. no unless u use ar

  5. Use a gameshark, look for the cheat codes on the internet, its easy.

  6. no idk how the only way ik is 4 u 2 trade or use a Gameshark 2 get it

    o make sure u visit this site its cool it has ovr 160 members,Theres Tourney signups underway,& u can trade & battle so join now at:

  7. you give the master ball to your pokemon clone it (by placing it in an empty box then placing it in another empty box then exit the storage system and save the game when it says do turn off power turn it off)

  8. Yes, you can give your pokemon a masterball and clone it....I don't axatly know how to clone in red etc. but im sure you can find it via google

    othewhise you can buy a action replay...this is a cheat module and you can buy it forn20 $

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