
Does any one know iff some off the restrictions on flying has been change yet,did say in paper this wk will?

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Does any one know iff some off the restrictions on flying has been change yet,did say in paper this wk will?




  1. certain airline's are allowing a small amount of hand luggage on board but to be sure you have to check with both airports and you carrier

  2. I'm leaving to Vegas today and you still can't have liquids in your carry-on luggage, except a small amount of non-prescription medication.  If you're traveling your best bet for updated info is on the TSA website. That way your not at risk of having to throw anything away at the  security screening.

  3. I thought that many of the restrictions had already been lifted hun

  4. The size of hand luggage has been increased a bit, liquids are still not allowed. Check with your agents site on the net

  5. I am in Spain at the moment and travelled yesterday from Stansted airport.  The restrictions at the airport are now more relaxed than they were 3 weeks ago, but not yet back to what I would call normal. You still cannot take make-up or lighters on with your hand luggage, they have to go in with your suitcase.  One thing I did find quite funny was that everybody had to take off their shoes as they went through. It looked quite funny really - feet ain't the prettiest of things

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